Mangazo ya Serikali Namba 126 na 127 ya tarehe 25 Aprili 2014, ada mbalimbali
zinazotozwa chini ya Sheria ya Makampuni (Sura 212) na Sheria ya Kuandikisha
Majina ya Biashara (Sura 213) zimebadilika. Ada hizi mpya zitaanza kutumika
rasmi kuanzia tarehe 1 Julai 2015,
na zitakuwa kama ifuatavyo:-
A: Sheria ya Makampuni (Sura 212)
1. Kampuni ambayo mtaji wake ni :
Zaidi ya
Tsh. 20,000/= lakini hauzidi Tsh.
1,000,000/= 95,000/=
ya Tsh. 1,000,000/= lakini hauzidi Tsh
5,000,000/= 175,000/=
ya Tsh. 5,000,000/= lakini hauzidi Tsh
20,000,000/= 260,000/=
ya Tsh. 20,000,000/= lakini hauzidi Tsh 50,000,000/= 290,000/=
ya Tsh. 50,000,000/= 440,000/=
2. Kwa usajili wa kampuni isiyokuwa
na mtaji 300,000/=
3. Kutunziwa jina la kampuni 50,000/=
4. Kubadilisha jina la kampuni 22,000/=
5. Msajili kupokea au kusajili
waraka wowote unaotakiwa
kisheria kupelekwa kwake 22,000/=
6. Ada ya kuchelewa kupeleka waraka wowote unaotakiwa kisheria
kupelekwa kwa Msajili (kwa mwezi
au sehemu ya mwezi) 22,000/=
7. Kuwasilisha Mizania ya kampuni 22,000/=
8. Kuthibitisha waraka wowote, kwa
kila ukurasa 3,000/=
9. Kufanya upekuzi kwenye jalada
lolote 3,000/=
10. Kupata taarifa za kampuni kwa
maandishi,kila jalada 22,000/=
11. Kusajili Hati ya Dhamana (Charge)
iliyowekwa na kampuni
12. Kupata nakala ya Cheti cha
usajili wa kampuni 4,000/=
13. Ada zinazolipwa na kampuni
zinazoandikishwa chini ya sehemu ya XII ya Sheria :
katiba au waraka wowote unaotambulika kama ndio
Katiba ya kampuni yao $
au kuwasilisha waraka wowote unaopaswa
Kuwasilishwa kwa
Msajili chini ya sehemu ya XII ya sheria,
Isipokuwa mahesabu ya
kampuni $ 220.00
Mahesabu ya Kampuni $
ya kuchelewesha kuwasilisha kwa Msajili waraka wowote
Unaopaswa kuwasilishwa kwake (kwa
mwezi au sehemu ya mwezi) $ 25.00
B: Sheria ya
Kuandikisha Majina ya Biashara (Sura 213)
1. i. Ada
ya usajili wa Jina la Biashara 15,000/=
ii. Ada
ya mabadiliko ya taarifa zilizosajiliwa 15,000/=
iii. Upekuzi
kwenye daftari la Majina ya Biashara 2,000/=
iv. Ada
ya kupata nakala ya nyaraka ambayo haijathibitishwa
kila ukurasa au sehemu ya ukurusa 3,000/=
v. Kuthibitisha
nyaraka ya aina yoyote 4,000/=
vi. Ada
ya kufuta jina la biashara 10,000/=
vii. Ada
ya kupata nakala ya cheti cha usajili 15,000/=
viii. Malipo
ya kuchelewa kuwasilisha nyaraka katika muda
uliopangwa, kwa kila mwezi au
sehemu ya mwezi 1,000/=
ix. Ada
ya utunzaji wa jalada kwa mwaka 5,000/=
(i) Ushuru wa stempu hutozwa katika kila
nakala ya cheti cha usajili
wa Jina la Biashara kitakachoombwa 500/=
Imetolewa na
Msajili Makampuni /
Majina ya Biashara
Simu: (+255-22)2181344
/ 2180141 / 2180048 / 218004
Following Government Notices Number 126
and 127 published on 25 April 2014, fees payable under the Companies Act (Cap.
212) and Business Names (Registration) Act (Cap. 213, R.E. 2002) have been
revised. The new fees will come into
effect from the 1st July 2015, and will be as follows:-
Companies Act (Cap. 212)
1. For
the registration of a company having a capital whose nominal share capital is:
a) More
than 20,000/= but not more than 1M 95,000/=
b) More
than 1M but not more than 5M 175,000/=
c) More
than 5M but not more than 20M 260,000/=
d) More
than 20M but not more than 50M 290,000/=
e) More
than 50M 440,000/=
2. For
the registration of a company not having
a share capital ,Fee 300,000/=
3. For
reservation of a company name 50,000/=
4. For
company name change 22,000/=
5. For
the receipt and/or registration by Registrar
of any document
which under the Act is to be
delivered to him
6. For
the late filling/registration fee to be paid to the Registrar of any
document delivered to him (per
month or part thereof)
7. For
filling of Annual Returns
8. For
certification of any document, per page 3,000/=
9. For
making search in any file/perusal 3,000/=
10. For
obtaining a written search report per file 22,000/=
11. For
registration of a Charge created by a Company
12. For
obtaining a copy of Certificate of Incorporation
13. For
payable by a company to which Part XII of the Act
a. For
registration of certified copy of a charter ,status or
and articles of the company, or other instruments
or defining the constitution of the company $ 750
b. For
registration of filling any document required to be delivered to
Registrar under Part XII of the Act/other than the balance Sheet $ 220
c. For
filling of Balance Sheet $ 220
d. For
late filling/registration fee to be paid to the Registrar of any
delivered to him out of time (per month or part thereof) $ 25
B: Business Names (Registration) Act (Cap. 213, R.E. 2002)
Fees in TShs
On application to register a
business……………………………….. 15,000/=
On application to register any
alteration in particulars registered…. 15,000/=
For every inspection of the
register………………………………… 2,000/=
For an uncertified copy of an extract on
the whole, of any document
the custody of the Registrar, per page or part of a page………….
For certifying any document or extract
of a document…………….. 4,000/=
On application to register of Notice of
Cessation of Business …….. 10,000/=
For issue of duplicate certificate of
any registration………………... 15,000/=
For making out of time any application
which is required to be made
a prescribed period, in addition to any other fee payable, for
month or part of a month in default………………………….. 1,000/=
Annual maintenance fee……………………………………………. 5,000/=
Issued by
Registrar of Companies
/ Business Names
Tel: (+255-22)2181344 / 2180141 / 2180048 / 218004
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